Mr Constantine Chikosi holds a law degree from the University of Zimbabwe, an MSc (Economics) from the University of Surrey (UK), is a Chartered Management Accountant (UK) and a graduate of INSEAD Business School (France). In over 19 years with the World Bank Group, Constantine held operational, management and strategy roles delivering development solutions for the Bank’s client countries through analytical work, high level policy dialogue and advising the Board on internal corporate strategy and forward-looking initiatives. He oversaw a threefold growth of the Bank’s investment portfolio in Southeast Asia as chair of committees that shaped the Bank’s investment portfolios. Constantine led the opening of the World Bank Office in Mauritius where he assisted the government in developing policy responses to the 2008 global financial crisis. Constantine is an independent Director of Mauritius Commercial Bank Group Ltd and serves on its Group Strategy Committee. He sits on the Advisory Board of Strand Hanson Ltd - a London-based investment bank.