British American Tobacco Zimbabwe - Youth Access Prevention

Youth Access Prevention

We believe our products are only suitable for adults and we do not want people who are underage to use them. Our role in preventing youth access to our products.

The Youth Access Prevention (YAP) programmes form a critical part of the Company’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) endeavours. The YAP Programme is a retail focused communication tool that seeks to educate both retailers and customers about minimum age requirements within the law as they pertain to smoking.

 Youth Access Prevention

The YAP Guidelines are as follows:


  •  our products and marketing should never appeal to youth;
  •  where a market has direct distribution, its own trade marketing or field force, those markets will work with retailers to uphold minimum age laws;
  •  where a market operates solely through a distributor with no BAT trade marketing or field force, it will require its distributors to engage with the retailers; and
  •  Markets with no minimum age law will engage with government to introduce one and commence retailer awareness as soon as laws are in place.


The Company has traditionally provided communication materials to retailers to reinforce the minimum age requirement in Zimbabwe. These materials are placed alongside existing point of sale materials to highlight that no cigarettes are sold to persons under the age of 18.